Mission Statement:
Educate and promote the novice Registered Nurse into the practice of critical care nursing. Promote the professional practice model for critical care across the continuum of facilities in the Central San Joaquin Valley (CSJV) region in a cost-effective manner.
- To develop and update curriculum that supports research/evidence-based critical care practice across the continuum of care.
- To offer curriculum based on the needs assessment for the central San Joaquin Valley region.
- To offer curriculum that meets the education needs of the critical care, multi-disciplinary team throughout their professional development, Novice to Expert. The highest priority in these needs is to promote safe clinical practice at the advanced beginner level of development.
- To decrease the cost of education for participating health care systems through pooling of resources.
Clinical Practice
- Create a clinical practice network that shares information that supports valley-wide, research/evidence-based practice.
- To promote professional collaboration through the concerted effort of participating health care systems and through linkage with CVC-AACN, Central Valley Professional schools, and other AACN consortiums.
- To set a Standard of Education and Practice that supports the professional practice model.
The Consortium is a non-profit organization and does not pay salaries to any of its board members. Educators volunteer their time and talent as part of the agreement between the various hospitals throughout the valley. All funds collected are utilized to facilitate the educational environment for the students and to pay for clerical and operational costs associated with the program.